Video: Fury as boxing coach canes minor for losing boxing match

September 27, 2023

Social media users have been left in shock and fury after a video surfaced on social media showing a coach caning one of his students for losing a boxing match.

The girl being caned was identified as Daphne of Sparks Boxing Club. She lost her fight to a one Apiyo Irene from Gulu Boxing Club. This didn’t please the girl’s coach thus caning her.

He had two of his peers hold her in the air. And he started flogging her questioning her why she lost the match. Despite the pleadings from the girl to forgive her, the coach wasn’t hearing any of this. He went ahead to inflict corporal punishment onto her.

Several social media users have out to call this behaviour out. Many said that sport is for imparting life lessons, confidence and social skills. However, what this coach was doing is the opposite because this behaviour might damage the girl’s confidence for good.

Besides there is always on winner in sport and all those involved can’t win. This coach hasn’t yet been identified but many want him to face the law and be stripped of his coaching badges.