Video: I want a tall and strong Mukiga wife for my son Alpha- Bebe Cool explains

February 24, 2023

Musician Big Size Bebe Cool is without a doubt a dotting and loving father who has struggled to make sure that his kids have the best of lives.

This can be evidenced through his son Alpha Thierry Ssali.

The singer has pushed his football career and it’s without a doubt headed in the right direction.

Bebe Cool has now revealed how he wants a tall and strong Mukiga wife for his son.

Apparently Bebe Cool doesn’t want a small and tiny girl for his son.

This is because football is a business now and he wants it to keep running in the family.

And he’s observed that the sport has gone the more physical way, like the Halaand’s.

It therefore doesn’t make sense for his son to bring a small girl who will give him small tiny grandkids whom they will force to play football when their physique doesn’t favor them.

“I would love a Mukiga wife for my son, Alpha Ssali, a lady who is tall and strong.”

The singer also said that he nurtured his son to become a footballer because of their family’s footballing history.

His father Jaberi Bidandi Ssali is the founding coach and patron of KCCA FC.

Bebe Cool also highlighted one of the problems hindering sports development in Uganda.And this is failure to reveal one’s true age.

“The biggest problem in our football industry is not revealing age and that is why many of our players don’t go through the trials.”

The musician also expressed his joy over his son representing Uganda at the current U20 AFCON tournament in Egypt.

Despite him not playing in the two games so far Bebe Cool’s optimistic that he will get his chance.